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Following is a poem read at one of our poetry readings by one of our most famous Full Moon Poets, Trish Dugger.

Frog Fest

Frogs are having fun,

whooping it up

down at the Frog Fest

in the creek,

while I am struggling

in my thought kitchen,

trying to boil up a batch

of words, snapping them

off like green beans...

ping ping ping

into the bottom

of an empty mental pot.


Spring has sprung.

Frogs are croaking.

I want to cook up a poem

but the fire’s not smoking.


Guess I’ll kick off my shoes

and get a bucket

and go on down to the creek

and catch me a few.

Frogs are not

as slippery as words.

Copywrite © Patricia Dugger March 19, 2001
